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Ask the mind: Good Stress vs Bad Stress

Updated: Jan 6, 2022


A term that’s used loosely that it feels like it’s lost its impact when used. However, stress can have a good and bad impact on us. Sometimes it helps us overcome challenges, other times it causes other health concerns. Stress is usually a reaction to something we have control over or different aspects of our lives that we could potentially manage better. Stress is a natural part of our life. Like, invoices that come every month, children's activities are all year round, and it seems that work will never be delayed. A little stress is inevitable, but it's often a good thing.

Stress helps you overcome your daily challenges and motivates you to reach your goals. It ultimately makes you smarter, happier, and healthier. That is correct. Good stress is important for a healthy life.

We may think that any kind of stress is bad, but it's not. Good stress is the type of stress you feel when you are excited. Your heart rate will be faster and your hormones will rise, but there is no threat or fear. You may experience this kind of stress while riding a roller coaster, playing a game, or having your first date. Good stress is short-term, stimulating, motivating, bundling, and improving your performance.

However, bad stress is like tired, nervous, and detrimental to your health. Bad stress and stress can lead to anxiety, confusion, poor concentration, and poor performance. Bad stress can be short-term (acute) or long-term (chronic). Acute stress does not put a heavy burden on your body if you can find a way to relax quickly. However, chronic stress, when repeatedly exposed to stressors, can be very stressful to the body and can harm our health. Chronic stress can cause headaches, insomnia, weight gain, anxiety, pain, and high blood pressure.

The key to stress management is to identify the bad stressors in your life and develop healthy ways to deal with them. The more you learn to manage your time more effectively, the lower your stress level will be. Whether you're learning from your mistakes or using big challenges as a time for personal growth, try to think positively by looking for positive things in every situation.

In addition, you can change your perspective by thinking about everything you care about in your life, including your positive traits. A balanced diet and active posture ensure that your body is better prepared for stress. Exercise relaxes the mind and body and at the same time improves mood. Exercise has been shown to play an important role in preventing and reducing the effects of stress.

Good rest is important to give your body time to recover from stressful events and prepare for new challenges the next day. The important thing is to distinguish between good and bad stress. Unless it is chronic, stress can be a positive addition to your life. Try to reduce chronic stress as much as possible and add positive activity to promote good stress.

It creates a healthy balance and a better quality of life.

~ Lavannia~

NOTE: When dealing with mental health concerns it is best to seek assistance with a licensed mental health professional.

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