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Ask the mind: It's about making time.

Updated: Dec 1, 2021

Time management. For those of us who grew up with routines and timetables, we tend to realize that it creates a structure to manage the hustle and bustle of life itself. However, not many are aware that having good management of our time plays a hand in our mental health. Having good time management can significantly impact our mental health. god time management, not only does it lead to improved efficiency, productivity but also improved sleep quality, overall mood, and reduced impact on depression and anxiety. Managing time sometimes, when you think about it can be seen as a decision-making framework. It helps also can us structure, protect, and adapt to the constant changes in our lives.

To manage it right, here's where we start. Ask yourself "What's my daily routine like" "Is it hard to say no to others" "What is important to me?". Make a list of things you spend the most of your time doing.

Now that you've put some thought into it. here are things you could do to manage your time better.

1) Priorities!

Understand your priorities. Make a list of all your daily tasks and activities for the day. Then rate them from most important to least important. Things like social media and streaming services take up most of our time. That glorious device we carry in our hands every day takes up most of our time. Yeah sometimes it's the best brain break we can get but it can distract us to the point that we spend HOURS on it.

2) Create a system!

Not that you've established what is important and not. List them to what is urgent, important, and not important. Urgent tasks are those that must be done right away to avoid a major problem(Paying bills, completing that assignment that was due last week). Next, we have an important task, things that are meaningful or important to you (like spending time with those you love, exercise taking a beak). Lastly, the not important task are the ones that don't need to be done or that aren't as important.

3) Structure your time/ Routine

Having a routine or a structure can be one of the easiest ways to keep track of our time. Using a planner or a notebook to plan our day or week. putting your task in writing allows you to time for yourself, hence, you will have a better view of how long it takes to do a certain task in your day. For instance, if making the bed takes 5 mins of your day set the timer for 5 minutes and do it. Now that is complete you won't think something isn't done and spend the day thinking about it which will cause your anxiety to rise.

4) Avoid Perfectionism.

Perfectionism. The double-edged sword. It motivates us to perform at a high level and produce good quality work. On the other hand, it can cause you unnecessary anxiety and slow you down. When we demand things to be perfect sometimes we don't even begin to do the task. This causes us to worry that the task won't be done perfectly. However understanding that doing your best is fine. Giving yourself enough time to do your best will help reduce your stress and anxiety.


NOTE: When dealing with mental health concerns it is best to seek assistance with a licensed mental health professional.

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