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Ask the Mind: Looking back at 2021

You don't know where you're going to end up. Likewise, you don't know where you are.

Over the past couple of years, we have all been through some of the toughest times. The challenges that we have faced, sometimes make us stronger. This is why the practice of reflecting on our past year will help us make better choices for the next year. This allows us to process the milestone and things we have had to overcome or achieve. At the same time by doing this, we can see the patterns of our past.

A year has 365 days, every day in many ways teaches us something new every day. reflecting on our proudest moments is looking back on the year with a positive outlook. For some, the proudest moments may be huge life milestones like, getting a new job, having a baby, or even finishing school. however, for some of us, it can look like cleaning our room for the first time in a long time or even just getting out of bed every day was the most important thing you could do.

Take a closer look at the things that have influenced you. Think of the things that have motivated you. The littlest things are sometimes the biggest reasons to keep going. Think back to a time when we were kids, we all had that one blanket, or pillow, or even a toy that we wanted everywhere we went, if we didn't have it we will be in a foul mood.

What is the one thing you discovered about yourself? We don't pay close attention to the things we learn outside of a formal setting hence, looking back and reflecting is one way that we can see that we are all constantly growing and learning and sometimes we can surprise ourselves.

What are you most grateful for? Many of us have found peace in the idea of practicing gratitude. Practicing gratitude in some ways provides a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment. to some extent, practicing gratitude also ensures that we are not materialistic and less likely to experience burnout.

Not accomplishing something you wanted to accomplish at the beginning of the year is fine. for some of us, we set resolutions in hopes of drastic changes. However, when we don't achieve them is fine, reflect if the resolution you set is within your means. At the same time, if you want to make a change, do it now, don't wait for a new year to start.

~ Lavannia~

NOTE: When dealing with mental health concerns it is best to seek assistance with a licensed mental health profession

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